Person Tries Blogging for the First Time in 2023

pen sketch of Brian with a typewriter saying "Hey? I'm blogging here!"

I’ve never been one to blog or post on the internet. I’m much happier lurking and consuming, but why not try making something I enjoy reading? I’ve been a long-time fan of gaming, tech, and pop culture blogs.

So far, using this CMS is much easier than my previous html setup. I like the pre-made designs, and hopefully the easier upkeep will help me post new stuff and keep it up to date.

I mainly started this website to be a portfolio, but that’s a bit boring, so I also want to put fun things on this blog section. What kinds of fun things? Zines, cartoons, and music that I previously kept exclusive to physical mail and private social media.

If you enjoy this stuff, let me know using the Contact Me form.


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